Nerves of Steel

Nerves of Steel

| 37 | Amazing Games

Siegbert Tarrasch (1862-1934), a Jewish and a patriotic German, was one of the strongest chess players and the most influential chess teacher of the late 19th century and early 20th century. He was a medical doctor by profession and a highly esteemed chess writer. Tarrasch may have been the best player in the world in the early 1890s. He refused an opportunity to challenge for the world title in 1892 because of the demands of his medical practice. Tarrasch also won four major tournaments: Breslau 1889, Manchester 1890, Dresden 1892, and Leipzig 1894.

In the game below, White believes that everything is ok, then comes 10...Nxd5!!!, a Queen sacrifice carried out with nerves of steel. Both Black Knights take the White King for a walk and the rest is history.


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