Attack and Defense in the IQP

Attack and Defense in the IQP

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| 19 | Middlegame

“The cavalcade, the jamboree of life I thought was meant for me. I never dreamed that it would be replaced by this eternity of isolation.” – The Mighty Boosh                                                

One of the most common structures arising in a game of chess is the one with an isolated queen’s pawn. This is the structure that looks something like this:


Naturally, the board could be flipped and it could be Black who has the isolated queen’s pawn. This structure can occur after many openings – the Caro-Kann (Panov-Botvinnik Attack), the Nimzo-Indian, the Queen’s Gambit Accepted, the Alapin Sicilian (2.c3), and others.

Isolated queen pawn positions vary greatly, depending on the placing of the pieces as well as whether the side facing the pawn has an e-pawn or a c-pawn. Nevertheless, they have certain themes in common.

Learning to play chess better is a complicated process, and it is easy to go about it in the wrong way. In addition to strengthening your mental chess “muscle” by solving tactical puzzles, solving endgame studies, and playing training games, you also need to study opening theory and get a feel for certain structures.

In my opinion, these two go hand-in-hand. Studying opening theory (and by that, I mean the games and analyses by good players) is not simply memorizing moves to be replayed on the board. While it should involve studying specific moves, the point is not so much to be able to play by rote, but rather to absorb the ideas of the position – by learning the specific moves. Thus if you spend time learning the theory of the Panov-Botvinnik variation of the Caro-Kann, it will help you to play any position with an isolated queen pawn better. The ideas you learned will be applicable. It is unlikely you will be able to reel off the exact moves you studied – however, you will be vastly more oriented in the position and will be able to uncover a good move by yourself much quicker.

So let us look at some of the themes of the isolated queen’s pawn. For the article, we will assume that the side with the pawn is white (since that is probably more common), although it could always be the other way around. So sometimes I will refer to “White” and “Black” – White means the side with the IQP, and Black is the side playing against it.

The push d4-d5

It is crucial that both players always consider the possible advance d4-d5, liquidating the isolated queen’s pawn. In those variations where Black is unable to establish an iron blockade of d5, this is often White’s main plan.

The advance of the pawn opens the entire board, changing the struggle from one revolving around square control to one based on open lines. In most IQP positions, the side with the pawn has more active pieces. Playing d4-d5 releases the pent-up energy, opening the d- and e-files, the d4 square, and the a2-g8 diagonal.

Sometimes pushing the pawn can even be a sacrifice, as in the following, one of the most famous classical games. Steinitz used the concept of the “sealer-sweeper” (as Hans Kmoch called it, much later of course) – closing the blockading d5 square for the black pieces and opening d4 for the white ones.

The blockade on d5

It follows that the side playing against the IQP should keep d5 under control – preferably blockaded. The ideal piece to do this is the knight. The knight not only keeps the pawn from moving, but itself benefits greatly from its post. The isolated pawn in front of it keeps it protected from frontal attack, while the fact that the pawn is isolated (there are no neighboring pawns) means that the knight does not need to worry about being chased away by a pawn. From this position, its tendrils reach into the opponent’s side of the board. One such powerfully placed knight can decide the game in favor of its side, as in the following game.


A basic conflict in chess is between static structural factors and dynamic play. An isolated queen pawn is a static weakness in the long-term. However, its presence usually grants its owner more active pieces and space which can lead to immediate play.

Typically when you have a static weakness, you want to avoid too many trades. You want to keep the pieces on the board so that you can use them to create threats, and the weakness will not be such a huge factor. On the other hand, if your opponent has a static weakness, you want to trade some pieces to make that weakness more important and to make it easier to exploit in peace.

That said, it is not so simple to say that the side with the IQP should avoid trades, and the side playing against it should seek them. For one thing, without rooks on the board, it can be hard to win for the side playing against it. Note that in the above example (Skoko-Smith), I avoided trading queens on move 29, playing 29…Qe4 instead of 29…Qxf1+. While if I traded queens, the ending would surely be better for Black, it would be unlikely that I could win it. He could bring his king up to guard d4, and there would be only one weakness. Thus the side playing against the pawn usually needs to keep some heavy pieces if he wants to win the game.

Another important trade is the dark-squared bishops. The side with the isolated queen pawn often manages to induce the move …g6, weakening the dark squares around the black king. Then by trading the bishops, he is able to invade on those squares.

Finally, there is the question of the two bishops. Although IQP positions are relatively open and there is free piece play, strangely enough the two bishops are not worth as much as usual. This is because the play largely revolves around control of specific squares, such as d5 and e5.

The b1-h7 diagonal lineup

One of the crucial ideas for the side with the IQP is to make a line up on the b1-h7 diagonal with the queen and light-squared bishop. The idea is – strangely enough – to threaten checkmate. By doing this, White manages to induce black to play …g6, weakening his kingside position. The attack can continue with h4-h5, or by trading the dark-squared bishops. Overall, one of White’s key plans in IQP positions is to create threats on the kingside.

The e5 square

The e5 square is a very typical outpost for the knight. Why is e5 an outpost? After all, the knight can be attacked by …f6. However, the move …f6 is usually terribly weakening. The pawn on e6 would become extremely weak. Thus, a knight on e5 plays a huge factor.

There are obviously a great many more themes to the IQP position, and it is possible to go much deeper into them – but this is just an introductory article. My advice for those seeking a deeper understanding of this structure is to check out this video series, and to look for games played by good players in certain opening lines that lead to this structure. Some of these lines are:

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxc5 4.c4 (the Panov-Botvinnik Attack)

1.e4 c6 2.c4 d5

1.e4 c5 2.c3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 4.d4 (The Alapin Sicilian)

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 c5 4.exd5 exd5 (The French Tarrasch)

1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c5 (The Tarrasch Defense)

Obviously, there are others – for instance, in one of the games above, I reached the IQP structure from a Modern Defense. Thus every player needs to have an idea how to play this structure.

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