Chess Played Quick - Doubles (Bughouse) Edition 2024

Chess Played Quick - Doubles (Bughouse) Edition 2024

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Chess Played Quick (CPQ),'s series of events where top chess streamers complete bounties for prizes, is back for another edition!

Chess Played Quick - Doubles (Bughouse) Edition 2024 happens on April 8 at 12 p.m. ET / 18:00 CET / 9:30 p.m. IST. Streamers will be required to pair up to complete a series of Doubles (Bughouse) challenges before the two-hour timer runs out. The event has 2,000 Twitch/Kick subs (or $5 YouTube memberships) as the prize fund and a new format featuring Challenge Sets.


Players form teams of two to play the entire event. Streamers can either sign up as a team or individually, in which case they'll be paired with other streamers based on their ratings and spoken languages. All games are in the 3+0 time control in the regular queue with the default rating range (-∞ to ∞). Sending direct challenges, playing rematches, and abandoning games is forbidden.

Participants are required to complete challenges while playing to score points. Those points depend on the challenges' difficulties. Easy challenges are worth 1 point, Medium challenges are worth 3 points, and Hard challenges are worth 5 points.

This edition of CPQ features a new format with Challenge Sets. Some of the challenges are part of thematic sets containing 3 challenges: one Easy, one Medium, and one Hard. On top of the regular points for completing the challenges, if participants manage to complete all the challenges of a set, they get 3 extra points. If they manage to complete them all in a single game, they get 5 extra points (please note this is not possible for all sets).

Challenge Sets

Unless indicated, all challenges should be completed by a single team member but count for the whole team.

And another one

  • Easy - Place 3+ pieces in a row - pawns count as pieces
  • Medium - Place 5+ pieces in a row - pawns count as pieces
  • Hard - Place 7+ pieces in a row - pawns count as pieces

Various Variants

  • Easy - Giveaway: Give a piece away and win  - pawns do not count as pieces
  • Medium - King of the Hill: Get your king in one of the four middle squares
  • Hard - Racing Kings: Bring your king to your opponent's back rank (Touchdown

Under Pressure

  • Easy - Win when both of you have under 30 seconds left on your clocks
  • Medium - Win when both of you have under 20 seconds left on your clocks
  • Hard - Win when both of you have under 10 seconds left on your clocks

For the Memes

  • Easy - Play the double rover* and win
  • Medium - Play the Double Cow Opening* and win
  • Hard - Play the Double Bongcloud* and win

Good Co-op

  • Easy - Have both team members take a pawn on the same move
  • Medium - Have both team members take a bishop on the same move
  • Hard - Win the game while your partner has mate in 1 against them

Yass Queen

  • Easy - Have three queens of your color on the board
  • Medium - Promote two pawns dropped on the board into queens
  • Hard - Have both team members take a queen on the same move

Opening Magic

  • Easy - Play the same 4 opening moves and win
  • Medium - Pre-move the first 5 moves and win
  • Hard - Play 1. f4 and 2. Kf2 or 1...f5 and 2...Kf7 and win

Bishop Bonanza

  • Easy - Make a bishop battery—two of your bishops supporting each other on the same diagonal
  • Medium - Win with 3 bishops of the same color
  • Hard - Mate by placing a bishop

Best Mates

  • Easy - Mate by placing a piece or a pawn
  • Medium - Mate by placing a rook
  • Hard - Mate without placing anything on the board for the entire game

Even Odds

  • Easy - Win a game while only placing pieces on your side of the board  - pawns count as pieces
  • Medium - Win without placing a piece higher than a pawn for the entire game
  • Hard - Win a game while only placing pieces on their regular starting squares - pawns count as pieces

Gotta Catch'em All

  • Easy - Place two knights while keeping both your knights
  • Medium - Place two bishops while keeping both your bishops
  • Hard - Place two rooks while keeping both your rooks

Knights Galore

  • Easy - Promote a dropped pawn to a knight
  • Medium - Drop a knight on the board forking the king and the queen
  • Hard - Win by smothered mate

Get Trolled

  • Easy - Win after stalling for 30 seconds
  • Medium - Draw by repetition while dropping new pieces on the board each move
  • Hard - Take every piece and pawn on the board

*For the "For the Memes" category, "double" means both team members need to play the openings:
Rover: a4 or h4, rook up, then rook to the center (e or d files).
Cow Opening: e3, d3, ne2, ng3, nd2, nb3 for White—symmetrical for Black.
Bongcloud Opening: e4, Ke2—symmetrical for Black.


There are 2,000 Twitch/Kick subs (or $5 YouTube memberships) at stake this month in the overall prize fund. The prize fund will be divided among participants based on the amount of points scored. The points will be calculated by the team, and the prizes will be equally divided into two for each team member.


Chess Played Quick — Doubles (Bughouse) Edition 2024 happens on April 8 at 12 p.m. ET / 18:00 CET / 9:30 p.m. IST.

How To Participate

Fill out the official application form below if you would like to participate in this edition of CPQ. Note that only active streamers who are eligible to receive Twitch/Kick subs or YouTube memberships can win prizes.

Claiming Challenges

Use the form below to claim the challenges you managed to complete during the event. Only one team member needs to fill-in the form.

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