Chess Played Quick — Kingdom Chess Edition

Chess Played Quick — Kingdom Chess Edition

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Don't blink and miss Chess Played Quick (CPQ),'s series of events where top chess streamers complete bounties for prizes.

Chess Played Quick — Kingdom Chess Edition happens on March 4 at 12 p.m. ET / 18:00 CET / 10:30 p.m. IST. For the first time, the event is played on mobile. It requires participants to play's newly released game, Kingdom Chess, for two full hours.


As a participant you are provided with a brand new account and required to play Kingdom Chess on the mobile device of your choice for two hours. The objective is to make as much progress as possible in the game within those two hours: progress is measured via challenges giving points based on difficulty. Each participant will be sent 1,000 diamonds in-game to help in your speed run.

Participants are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the game on their own accounts beforehand.


Challenge Difficulty Points
Complete the first campaign (Mission 1-10) Easy 1
Complete the second campaign (Mission 2-10) Medium 2
Upgrade Castle to LVL2 Hard 5
Upgrade Castle to LVL3 Very Hard 10
Reach Gold Rank 3 in PVP Easy 1
Reach Gold Rank 2 in PVP Medium 2
Reach Gold Rank 1 in PVP Hard 5
One point awarded per 250 gold at the end* Easy 1
One point awarded per building level** Easy 1

*If you have 3,000 gold left at the end of the event, you will get 12 points.

**If you have a building upgraded to LVL5 at the end of the event, you will get five points.

lessons Please note that to upgrade your castle, you will need to use more scrolls than typically available—make sure to save some of your starting diamonds to purchase some!

For this edition, no submission of proof is required as the results will be compiled using the new accounts' data.


There are 2,000 Twitch/Kick subs (or $5 YouTube memberships) at stake this month in the overall prize fund. The prize fund will be divided among participants based on the amount of points scored.


Chess Played Quick — Kingdom Chess Edition happens on March 4 at 12 p.m. ET / 18:00 CET / 10:30 p.m. IST.

How To Participate

This special edition will be played on mobile devices—you are still required to stream the event, so please take a look at our guide if you're not sure how.

Fill out the official application form below if you would like to participate in this edition of CPQ. Note that only active streamers who are eligible to receive Twitch/Kick subs or YouTube memberships can win prizes.

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