Classical KID by GM Magesh and GM Arun
This week we shall have a look at the King's Indian Defence Classical System. This is our 3rd article in the King's Indian and our previous ones were on the Bayonet attack. We wanted the readers to know more on the Classical ideas in the KID where White promptly initiates the attack on the Queenside and Black on the Kingside. First we shall look at the ideas and plans for both sides in the King's Indian Defence so that the reader gets a broader picture about this system.
Plans for White:
Many players feel uncomfortable playing against the KID. My impression is that many players are simply surprised by the ferocity of the attack.
1) Be quick with the attack on the queenside and keep an eye on the Kingside attack.
2) Try to exchange off some of Black's most dangerous attacking piece. Like the exchange of Black's light-squared bishop heavily reduces the danger for white.
3) Restrain Black's attack as long as possible, especially the ...g5-g4 break.
4) Open up as many files as possible.
Ideas for Black
Black's Plan is relatively simple. Once he gets f5-f4 he has to push the g-pawn to g4-g3 after which he achieves a range of advantages.
1) Space for his pieces to manoeuvre .
2) White's defensive pieces have little room in which to manoeuvre .
3) White's king is often restricted to the back rank.
4) Sacrifice a couple of pawns or an exchange to save the c8-Bishop which is vital for the attack.
5) Watch out for tactics. At any point Black may have to sacrifice a piece or two to get the White King out of its shelter.
Now we shall see one of the top level games in this system between Gelfand and Nakamura in the World Team Chess Championship held at Bursa Turkey. I was lucky enough to look at the game in person.
We hope this article provides the readers with good ideas in the classical King's Indian Defence kind of positions. In this system play is relatively easy for Black and it is white who needs to be more cautious. Since most KID players will be natural attacking players, you need to have more defensive ideas. But it does not mean that Black has the upper-hand; just that White needs to be a little more careful.