Dear Readers
Less articles from Steve Colding
by NM Steve Colding
Dear Readers,
I have really enjoyed writting these daily articles for you at It has been a great joy to me and I will continue to write articles from time to time just not at the output that I have been doing.
I have been producing articles at the rate of 2 per day and I have a great many more to write, but other obligations have been made on my time and I simply won't have the time to do them.
I have also enjoyed playing all of you but for the same reasons I cannot play any more games in the near future. Sheesh chess-master have to make a living too.
I wish to thank all of you for the great feedback and comments that you all have made. I made many friends and will still be a regular contributor, just not at the output which I have had for the last weeks. I have not agreed with all of you but I have always respected you all.
God bless you all, I wish you all the very best. This website is truly one of the best! Thank you all!
NM Steve Colding