Do you believe in trap after trap?

Do you believe in trap after trap?

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| 67 | Tactics

In my previous articles I devoted a lot of time to opening traps.  We saw different kinds of traps (good ones , bad ones) and we discussed how to avoid those nasty traps.  But what if you deliberately want to fall into your opponent’s trap? Sounds crazy, right?  Yet, falling into opponents’ traps was a favorite pastime of the great Michael Tal.  In his book he even wrote a special chapter aptly named  “Falling into a trap”.  There he explains that whenever he feels like there is a trap prepared by his opponent, he always tries to find an unexpected continuation which could completely turn the table, so a prey becomes a hunter. He admits that he was successful on numerous occasions.  Of course not everyone can play with fire the way the Magician from Riga could.  But if you want to set a trap after your opponent’s trap you have to be sure that your refutation really works.  In the next example White’s ‘trap after trap’ backfired badly.



But in the following game Black's "trap after trap" was so deep and beautiful that I want to offer it as a quiz for you.  So let's begin. 
 Here is the quiz #1

Quiz #2

Quiz #3

Quiz #4

As you could see in this game, when you see a trap set for you by your tricky opponent, it doesn't mean that you should run for your life and avoid this trap like the plague. First you might want to check if the trap is that dangerous and if you can find a hole in your opponent's idea. If you managed to find a move or a combination that completely changes the situation and, using Tal's words, turn a hunter into a prey, make sure that your idea really works. 
Finally, get any of Cher's CDs and listen to her songs.  Well, it has nothing to do with chess, but she is a pretty cool singer!
So, do you believe in trap after trap?

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