Dutch Success

Dutch Success

| 34 | Opening Theory

Here is a game from the 2009 Reykjavik Open, FM Thorfinnsson - FM Lucaroni with full commentary and annotations:

I was very interested in first seeing this game. The Dutch defense has been a bit suspect at the highest levels of chess and has not really been tested so much by the elite players. But in this game black made it seem so simple! Each and every move for black was played with a simple purpose or goal in mind. Eventually black found a nice tactic to end up ahead in material and from there simplified into an endgame when white was forced into a resignation in only 31 moves!

I play chess to make money and meet women

I am a USCF Candidate Master CM player

Goals - 1) Reach 2200 USCF NM, 2) Reach 2200 FIDE CM, 3) Reach 2300 FIDE FM


The first note was an IQ test; if you read it and said "oh", then you just lost a piece

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