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In chess, the English Opening is the opening where White plays

1. c4
Image:chess zhor 26.png
Image:chess zver 26.pnga8 rdb8 ndc8 bdd8 qde8 kdf8 bdg8 ndh8 rdImage:chess zver 26.png
a7 pdb7 pdc7 pdd7 pde7 pdf7 pdg7 pdh7 pd
a4b4c4 pld4e4f4g4h4
a2 plb2 plc2d2 ple2 plf2 plg2 plh2 pl
a1 rlb1 nlc1 bld1 qle1 klf1 blg1 nlh1 rl
Image:chess zhor 26.png

A flank opening, it is the fourth most popular opening. White begins the fight for the center by staking a claim to the d5 square. Although many lines of the English have a distinct character, it often transposes into other openings and is considered flexible.

The English derives its name from the English (unofficial) world champion, Howard Staunton, who played it during his 1843 match with Saint-Amant. It fell out of favor (the opening was notably disdained by Morphy), but is now recognized as a solid opening that may be used to reach both classical and hypermodern positions. Botvinnik, Karpov, and Kasparov all employed it during their world championship matches. Bobby Fischer created a stir when he switched to it from the King's Pawn against Boris Spassky in 1972.

By ManUtdForever12

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