Exclusive Peek at Modernized: The King's Indian Defense by GM Dejan Bojkov for Members

Exclusive Peek at Modernized: The King's Indian Defense by GM Dejan Bojkov for Members

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Metropolitan Chess, Inc., a Los Angeles based-company, has just published its first book under the imprint Metropolitan Chess Publishing: 

Modernized: The King's Indian Defense

by GM Dejan Bojkov 


GM Bojkov is probably very familiar to a lot of's members - he has recorded a large number of videos and written many blogs. He is also a prolific chess trainer with many students, most notably former Women's World Champion GM Antoaneta Stefanova.

Photo Credit: Betsy Dynako

In this exclusive preview for members we'd like to give a glimpse of what lies inside: 

This book holds a complete repertoire of the King's Indian Defense from Black's perspective. By analyzing many theoretical games from recent Grandmaster practice (as well as a number of classical examples), Bojkov covers every major line in depth, with due coverage given to all sidelines as well. The reader will also become familiar with many strategic ideas, thematic tactics, and the abundance of imaginative possibilities the King’s Indian Defense is famous for.

The following lines are covered in great theoretical detail through the use of recent games:

  Chapter 1 The Classical Variation

  •   1a Flexibility in the Classical Variation
  •   1b The Gligoric System
  •   1c The Exchange System
  •   1d The Petrosian System

  Chapter 2 The Sämisch Variation
  Chapter 3 The Four Pawns Attack
  Chapter 4 The Averbakh System
  Chapter 5 The Bagirov Line
  Chapter 6 The Fianchetto System

GM Bojkov does an excellent job of sharing his childhood enthusiasm for the opening (which has clearly bled into his professional career), and instills a profound understanding of the various structures that may occur in this rich and complex opening. Moreover, in an effort to increase understanding, at the end of each chapter are memory markers - chess diagrams reminding the reader of the most important motifs/novelties throughout the chapter, as well as practical exercises for solving and internalizing the material. After reading this book, one will feel as though they will be able to play the KID for the rest of their life! 

Now we'd like to present two games from the book:

Note: the following games have been trimmed and shortened - in the actual book there are many more detailed variations within each game! 

Let's start off with a fascinating struggle between Kramnik & Ponomariov in the Classical Variation:

Bojkov covers the rest of this endgame in great detail, but this has been abridged for the sake of length. To his credit, Bojkov remains very objective in his analysis, and has no problem showing games where the KID is defeated (after all, one can often learn more from losses). 

The second excerpt chosen for today was played between Anand and Nakamura, in the Sämisch Variation:

Each chapter contains several well-annotated games, and true to Bojkov's style, not a single stone is left unturned! In addition to games, this book also uses unique training tools to ensure maximum retention: memory markers & practical exercises. See for yourself:

Chapter 1a

   Chapter 4

In addition to several memory markers, each chapter also contains several thematic exercises that can be used to test & improve your understanding of the material. These are all taken from real games and often feature both tactical and strategic motifs. Here are two examples:

Chapter 3

Chapter 6

Review Highlights:

"Dejan Bojkov is rapidly becoming one of the leading theoretical writers. His King’s Indian book covers new systems in admirable depth, while he revives neglected older variations with fresh interpretations."
 - IM John Watson

"Bojkov has written a book that should appeal to a wide audience. Players in the 1800-2200 range will find the ever present explanatory prose and exercises helpful. Diagrams highlighting key concepts are found throughout the book. Higher-rated readers will appreciate the deep analysis and many new ideas."  
 - IM John Donaldson 

"I like it! Very well formatted, clear presentation of critical themes relating to the pawn structures of the KID, with good "general positional tips" throughout for an openings book."
 - IM Danny Rensch  

"This book stands out from other books about openings because of the author's infectious enthusiasm. Bojkov continually advocates counterattack rather than defense. His recommended variations seem fresh, and not merely because the illustrative games are all recent." 
 - IM Jack Peters 

This book is the first in the new Modernized series of opening books, published by Metropolitan Chess. Upcoming titles to be released this year include Modernized: The Open Sicilian by IM Zhanibek Amanov & FM Kostya Kavutskiy, as well as Modernized: The Petroff Defense by GM Ronen Har-Zvi. Other titles are in the process of being commissioned.

Visit your preferred vendor using one of the red buttons below to purchase yourself a copy of the book: 


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