How To Broadcast Your Event On Chess.com/Events
Do you want your event featured on Chess.com, the world's most popular chess website?
If you are an event organizer, whether online or over the board, it is now simpler than ever to promote your event using Chess.com. With an Events Page on www.chess.com/events, you can provide information, with a link to your website, to chess players and spectators worldwide. Games are updated live (or with a requested delay) with access to the latest Stockfish, tablebases, Game Review, and many other features.
- How To Get Started
- Features Of Events Page
- Embedding Events Page Across Multimedia Platforms
- Compatibility With Production and Live Commentary
- Promotional Opportunities
How To Get Started
Please email us at events@chess.com with the live game link(s) and a chess-results page, or provide the following info:
- Live games link(s)
- Event name
- Number of rounds
- Dates & times
- City
- Format
- Time control
- Tiebreak system
- Link to official website
- (Optional) A 16:9 (preferably 320x180 pixels) image of your logo, saved as a PNG file.
- (Optional) Link to Twitch or Youtube stream where you are providing coverage
- (Optional) Specify a desired delay for the game moves
Features Of Events Page
Our Events Page is a modern broadcasting platform that relays games with cloud analysis with the latest Stockfish, tablebase support, crosstables, schedules, standings, voting, embedded commentary streams, and more. Events Pages can even be embedded on your website for broadcasts with access to all of our tools.
Users who display the Events Page on their video stream as well as the Chess.com logo can also enjoy other benefits. For these users, we can embed your live stream from Twitch or Youtube onto the Events Page for greater exposure to the chess community.
In addition, you can embed the Events Page onto your own website, with all the features and tools included. Use the Events Page on Chess.com on broadcasts with live commentary, with the ability to highlight squares, draw arrows, and navigate quickly between selected games. We are happy to engage with organizers using the Events Page on any social media platform with our own accounts and associated news coverage.

Using Events Page On Multimedia Platforms
The Events Page can be embedded on other websites. This means that chess fans do not even have to open Chess.com directly to access tournament information—they can simply navigate to the tournament organizers' official website and use all the tools there. All of the features described above—latest Stockfish, tablebases, crosstables, schedules, and more—are transferred and remain available through the embed feature.
Your embedded Events Page would look like what you see below, on your own web page. (Read more on how to use this feature and get started here. You can also see a nice example of its implementation here)
We would be happy to embed live videos on Youtube or Twitch onto your Events Page as well (upon request). Viewers who access the video via your Events Page can be redirected to follow and subscribe to your channel, or they can simply watch from the Events Page directly.
You can see the embedded video in the top-right corner of the screenshot below.
We are thrilled to support organizers, commentators, and chess professionals using Chess.com's Events Page on social media as well. Please tag our social media accounts when posting if you would like us to engage with your content around a strong event.
‼️#chess brilliancy at #ChessOlympiad2022
— Keti Tsatsalashvili (@keti_chess) August 5, 2022
What happens if dxe4? pic.twitter.com/UDMhyhPppJ
Apparently this is a match twitch wanted to see - Thank you to 38k watching two old boomers bash about at 94% accuracy to a draw in @chesscom Titled Tuesday. GG @MagnusCarlsen pic.twitter.com/ZluLULi69l
— Hikaru Nakamura (@GMHikaru) September 27, 2022
Production and Live Commentary
The Events Page is easy to use with live production and commentary. Highlight squares and draw arrows in various colors, annotate the games with text and symbols, refer to auto-generated standings and up-to-date schedules, check evaluations with the latest version of Stockfish or tablebases, and navigate quickly from one game to another. All the tools a commentator needs are readily accessible on Chess.com.
The clip below nicely demonstrates how the Events Page can be used in a live-stream overlay, with live games and camera feeds in addition to an evaluation bar on the left. This is an online event, the 2022 Chess.com Global Chess Championship, but the same can be done with over-the-board events as well.
Furthermore, a helpful feature is "Selected Games" (located on the right side). When moving from one game to another, the page will save the games you have focused on. Pivot between the most important games of the round and "Clear All" if you are ready to select on another set of games.
The Events Page is suited for tournaments online as well as over the board. The page can be displayed in Dark Mode or Light Mode, as per the user's preference.
Promotional Opportunities
Please reach Chess Organizer Liason Judit Sztaray for support in promoting local and regional events with Chess.com. She can be best reached by email: judit.sztaray@chess.com.
We are happy to promote the tweets and social media content of organizers using the Events Page with our chess24 accounts by liking, retweeting, sharing, and tagging your posts. Please see our accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube.
For any questions about using the Events Page or troubleshooting, reach events@chess.com.