Important Novelty in the Marshall Attack

Important Novelty in the Marshall Attack

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| 41 | Opening Theory

Here is a game from the recent World Cup 2007. This game features an important opening novelty in the Ruy Lopez, Marshall Gambit line. Here is GM Shirov - GM Jakovenko with full annotations and commentary:




This game illustrates the dangers and advantages of playing an opening novelty and surprising your opponent. Shirov decided to test Jakovenko with 17. Qxd5 (which has only been played two times before) taking a second pawn. This forced Jakovenko to find exact moves to keep sufficient compensation which after 20...Bf5 he failed to do this. The lesson to be learned from this game is that if you are going to play a sharp and highly theoretical line then you need to be well prepared for any surprise that your opponent may bring your way.

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