Here is a game from the 2009 Copper State Open, IM Ginsburg - WFM Cardona with full annotations and commentary:
This was a nice game to observe as it shows a common theme in chess. The b7 and b2 squares for both sides can be a sensitive square which can lead to quick disaster if not careful. In this game White was able to create a breakthrough and invade on the b7 square which led to a quick and swift resolution with a gain of material and piece activity.
The b7 and b2 squares for both sides must be observed at all times. In some cases you can play for an invasion on this square. However, you must always be careful as the opponent may be setting you up with a "poisoned pawn" as is displayed in the Poisoned Pawn variation of the Sicilian Defense. If you want some examples of when this invasion is not so good you should view some sample games from this opening variation.