Karpov – Kasparov 1985 Match Game 4

Karpov – Kasparov 1985 Match Game 4

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| 24 | Chess Players

In 1985, Anatoly Karpov was challenged by Garry Kasparov in their first championship match with a fixed number of games. Instead of an unlimited match, which was stopped when they played the year before, there would be only 24 games. In this match, Kasparov won games 1, 11, 16, 19, and 24. Karpov won games 4, 5, and 22. In the last game with Kasparov ahead 12-11, Karpov needed to win to tie the match and keep the title. Karpov did not win or draw. Their rivalry would continue in additional matches as they remained the top two players.

I have selected game 4, won by Karpov, to examine. The opening was a line of the Queen’s Gambit Declined that was played four times in the match. Each player had the white pieces in two of those games. Only game 4 was decisive. The other three games are included in the notes. In this game, Kasparov equalized and was tripled on the c-file. Each side had three major pieces and opposite bishops. Kasparov did not play with the required correctness and gave Karpov chances to outplay him. Both kings were potentially at risk, but Karpov better exploited his possiblities, won the game, and tied the match.

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