Old School Cool

Old School Cool

| 1 | Amazing Games

If you're looking for crazy games between the world's top players, you might have to look at the "old school" to find the best ones. In this series, GM Simon Williams shows you crazy games from the past.

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Chigorin vs Caro Take a trip back to the 1800s as GM Simon Williams starts a new series on the swashbuckling chess players of old. You'll appreciate the style of these games as you learn from the romantic old school.

Steinitz vs Paulsen If you're looking for crazy games between the world's top players, you might have to look at the "old school" to find the best ones. GM Simon Williams shows you a crazy game from 1870 where the legendary Steinitz plays a gambit named for himself.

Morphy's Murderous Knights It doesn't get any more "old school cool" in chess than the great Paul Morphy, who is considered one of the best chess players ever. GM Simon Williams shows you this ancient game where Morphy's two knights might still be haunting his opponent beyond the grave. And don't miss the ending!

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