Here is a game from the 13é Open Internacional d'escacs "Ciutat de Balaguer", IM Sengupta - GM Burmakin with full annotations and commentary:
In this game we saw an interesting psychological battle. White started very aggressively playing to hold on to an extra pawn on d5 for some time. Then when black was finally able to consolidate and recover the pawn white shifted to a plan of attacking the black King, most notably with a Rook lift to the h3 square. Then black was again able to consolidate and win the exchange. After this, white's game really went downhill so much that he actually missed two great chances to get back into the game on move 30 and 31.
This was a good example of the danger of overpressing for the win. You should not try to overpress and create something which is not available (the kingside attack in this game). Also, if things do not go your way and your plan does not succeed you should not lose hope and play with a negative mindset but play the most challenging moves you can to pose your opponent problems and look for a way back in (moves 30 and 31 in this game) as it is likely that the opponent may not play perfectly to the end.