Pandolfini's Puzzler #1 - The Worst Move
National Master Bruce Pandolfini is an acclaimed Chess Book Author, Teacher and Coach. Lessons in his "Pandolfini's Puzzler" column for are fictional stories based on true events from his own lessons.
"In chess, you look for the best move," Professor Pandolfini began. "But if you had to, could you do the opposite? Could you find the worst move? Consider this position."
Question: "What is the worst move Black could play?"
Answers Below - Try to solve ProfessorPando's Puzzle first!
Zephyr thought it over.
"I think I understand," she said. "Black could lose a rook. That would be bad. Black could lose two rooks. That would be worse. But there's something even worse than that: getting mated. "I think I have it. I know black's worst move."
What was Zephyr's answer?
Answer #1
Zephyr determined that black's worst move is 1...Kd8.
That allows white to mate by 2. Qd6#.
Take note
This type of mating pattern, with black's rooks blocking on both sides, is known as an epaulette mate.
- Go to chess mentor and use your new mate to help you pass the course on Essential Checkmates;
- IM Bryan Smith shows you how world number one GM Magnus Carlsen has also used an epaulette mate;
- Take a look at all the ChessKid videos that feature other exciting checkmating patterns.