Pawns and Saavedra
'The pawns are the soul of chess.'This is the bitter truth for all players in the world.A man who seeks mastery at chess must learn how to use these simple units of chess.I myself lost a lot of matches because of wrong structural decisions.A bad bishop,a king prevented by his own pawns,pawn islands etc...First we must master the pieces and endgame study is essential for understanding the power of pawn.And also there are rook pawn endgames.They occur a lot of time in your life in chess.So to prove my words i will give you some good examples.
Also i want to share a good chess pattern called Saavedra position.
It was quite an astonishing game when i first saw it.I suggest that also learn about Philidor Position and Lucena position.Maybe in another article.Enjoy these positions chesslovers...