
Remembering Bobby Fischer

Avatar of WilliamDupree
| 2 | Chess Players

Given the ongoing articles concerning Bobby Fischer, I was reflecting on how we could tangibly remember him.A few possibilities come immediately to mind: [1] A de novo Bobby Fischer biography. It may be that the American-based fans might agree to do some research about Bobby's schooling etc. Might be an idea to write a completely new biography, different in style from some of the volumes that make up chess biographies generally. [2] A 'Bobby FIscher International Memorial Tournament'.Spassky,Kasparov, Anand and many others would help develop such an idea.I dare say that the American chess authorities may find it politically difficult to espouse such a project. [3] A 'Bobby Fischer Trust' to fund a medical research scholarship in the mental health field. Anyway these are early ideas and I am hopeful that we can receive soundings from the entire community, particularly the great number of Fischer-fans. I am not really current with the international chess scene so it might be that these developments are already under way.