
Reshevsky Misses Mate in One!

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| 15 | Amazing Games

In 1934, the New York State Chess Association sponsored the New York State Chess Championship in Syracuse, New York.  It has held at the Hotel Onondage from August 13th through August 25th.  In round 11, Samuel Reshevsky met Arnold Denker.  Reshevsky had White.  Denker played a Budapest Defense (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5).  Reshevsky crushed Denker with some brilliant tactics, starting with a Rook sacrifice, then a Bishop sacrifice, and finally mating Denker on move 21.  The title that Reshevsky missed a mate in one is that on the previous move, move 20, Reshevsky had a mate and missed it.  So he played an extra check, then checkmated Denker.  The final results of the New York State Championship was Reshevsky taking 1st place with 12 out of 14.  Denker tied for 11th-12th place.  2nd place went to Kashdan, followed by Dake and Fine, who tied for 3rd-4th.


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