Reti Crushes Euwe

Reti Crushes Euwe

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| 55 | Amazing Games

In 1920, Richard Reti (1889-1929), one of the top players in the world at the time, played a match against future World Champion Max Euwe (1901-1981). The result was 5-3 with four draws in Reti's favor. The game below is from that match. Euwe was young and inexperienced at the time, definitely no match for Reti, he finds himself sadly behind in development early in the game, so he tries a desperate swindle, hoping to recover the lost ground; he plays 10...Nxd5, an ingenious idea, hoping for 11.Rxb2  Bxc3, pinning and winning the White Queen. Instead of falling for the swindle, Reti wakes Euwe up from his dream by sacrificing both his Rooks, followed by a crushing attack against the Black King. Enjoy...

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