Rossolimo Variation: Fun to Play, Hard to Beat

Rossolimo Variation: Fun to Play, Hard to Beat

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| 9 | Opening Theory

     Hi in my previous articles on the Sveshnikov many raised the issue of the Rossolimo and how it has had good results against the Old Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6).  Since I received your comments I have looked into the variation and it has grown on me very much.  I have had several awesome games with it, but you won’t see any of them in this article (they aren’t that good).

     The main ideas of the Rossolimo are rapid development and seizing the initiative.  I have seen several games by Rossolimo himself and have come to admire this variation of the Sicilian.  When Rossolimo originally started playing 3.Bb5 he wanted to castle as early as move four and then go on the attack. I stumbled on the game Fischer-Spassky 1992 in my research and I want to share this wonderful game.  This game illustrates the ideas of development and grabbing the tempo. 

Well let’s start this awesome game. 

    Think that you will be World Champ one day? Let's test your mettle with where Bobby goes next.  I'll give you a hint. (!)
     From this position White has a solid attack going thanks to the initiative that he picked up with the move b4, sacing the pawn.  And behind that move is Black's underdevelopment that has been hurting Spassky all game.
     Black is really hurting here and Fischer isn't afraid to continue the torture
"Th-th-th-that's all folks!"
     Thanks for the read. As per usual please leave any feedback or comments about the article including errors.(I'm not Fischer. lol).  I would also like you to ask any questions that you have and I'll do my best to answer them or find someone to answer them. 
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