
Series (Continued): Chess is LIfe: Prophesy in the Making?

| 2 | Chess Players

When mankind has wanted to make predictions, he (and she) has (have), over time, turned to the stars, the sun, crystal balls, philosophers, religious prophets and gurus, scriptural writings, and a sundry of other devices, not to ignore history, itself.  When an employer wants to know if a person will work well at a certain career, a human resource expert will review a person's history -- academic, personal, and experiential to determine if the person's history reflects a person's qualifications for the type of work involved.  I'm willing to bet that someone, somewhere, has tried to assess how a person who does extraordinarily well at chess is able to utilize their intense organizational and strategic skills of chess when applied toward real life situations, or if they apply the game's skills at all.  

I write this hoping to receive a flood of feedback from those who are willing to expose how closely their lives are played relative to their successes at the chessboard.  Does a good chess player mentally calculate the outcome of our moves within life more intelligently as to apply more practical and appropriate solutions than non-players?  

To better illustrate my intent, does a good chess player keep a tidy fridge?  Do we chess players tend to be more meticulous when keeping house?  Are we more prone to position our tools in the garage or shed in a more functional arrangement?  Are we more prone to be mechanically savvy -- knowing what goes/works where and when?  Do we anticipate the consequences of life -- leaving the skateboard in the middle of the driveway or sidewalk, living in flood zone, working too hard, not eating properly, being late for appointments, dressing inappropriately... all of our daily habitual incidentals?  In other words, are good chess players more apt to assess future consequence and react to the obvious daily consequences, or do we, in general, succumb to "throwing it all over" and playing another round? 

Please offer your input as to "if, how, and when", chess affects your life when you're away from the chessboard. 

I'll start out by saying that I am very meticulous about the order of how I conduct my life.  I tend to analyze almost every situation and consequence as to predict the outcome of each task I perform and everything I do, and I mentally 'kick' myself when I forget my sunglasses for not having predicted my forgetting them. I drive some people nuts and others just laugh, yet they do much of the same.  You would think I should be an International Grand Master... Laughing  On the other hand, I have a dear friend who keeps an immaculate house, putting and insisting everything [be] in its place, yet loses chess games to careless blunders and poor positioning.  Any chess psychoanalysts out there?

Thanks and happy checkmates,

Stan Kern     

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