Staunton Memorial Rd.10: Dutch Treat

Staunton Memorial Rd.10: Dutch Treat

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Games ended early today and we have an early start tomorrow at noon so here is the update. Games will follow in the morning.

Round 10
Wells 1/2 Speelman
Sokolov 1/2 Adams
Van Wely 1-0 Cherniaev
Smeets 1-0 Short
Werle 1-0 Wade
L'Ami 1/2Timman

Final Round
Adams (7.5) vs. Van Wely (7)
Timman (6) vs. Wells (4.5)
Cherniaev (3.5) vs. Smeets (6)
Speelman (5) vs. Sokolov (5.5)
Short (5) vs. Werle (5)
Wade (0) vs. L'Ami (5)

The Dutch side almost obliterated the British fleet today. After a hectic but on-time start after a UK memory contest forgot to finish by noon, there were three bloody defeats. Chernaiev tried a Dutch Defense against Van Wely to no avail, Werle took out Wade's Cambridge Springs, and Smeets destroyed Short in spectacular fashion. Adams almost fell to Sokolov despite Sokolov's refusal to move his king's bishop or rook for the entire game, but he managed a draw. Timman played adventurously in the opening against his fellow countryman L'Ami but split the point, as did Wells and Speelman.

Tomorrow's final round pits the two leaders against each other, just like last year. The players can put plenty of effort into the game, as in the evening they will be treated to a big helping of Simpson's famous roast beef and a veritable lake of wine at the prizegiving where six thousand pounds, an artistic chess set valued at 850, and original artwork by the Staunton Society's renowned artst Barry Martin will be distributed.

Round 10 games:

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