Staunton Memorial Rd.3 Sometimes draws are more exciting than wins

Staunton Memorial Rd.3 Sometimes draws are more exciting than wins

| 2 | Other

Round 3
Van Wely 1/2 Wells
Smeets 1-0 Sokolov
Werle 1/2 Speelman
L'Ami 1/2 Adams
Timman 1/2 Cherniaev
Wade 0-1 Short

Round 4
Wells vs. Short
Cherniaev vs. Wade
Adams vs. Timman
Speelman vs. L'Ami
Sokolov vs. Werle
Van Wely vs. Smeets

Round three had exciting games, but some ended in draws. Mickey Adams needed precise defense to hold off L'Ami, and Cherniaev needed a great escape against Timman. Short put on a clinic to defeat Wade, concentrating on the c3 square in the endgame. Sokolov's somewhat unusual play in the Spanish (Ne7 rather than Nb8) didn't work out too well, and his passed e-pawn wasn't good enough. Wells had an interesting game with Van Wely as did Speelman with Werle.

Again the spectators filled the hall but remained remarkably quiet, and even the adjacent bar (full) was not too noisy. The rainy day did not put a damper on anyone's mood.

Round 3 games:

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