New Lesson Series: WGM Tatev Abrahamyan's Favorite Studies

New Lesson Series: WGM Tatev Abrahamyan's Favorite Studies

| 24 | Tactics

In's newest video and lesson series, WGM Tatev Abrahamyan demonstrates studies by the great composer Alois Wotawa. Tatev shows how to solve these tricky studies and provides calculation tips for your own puzzles and games.

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Introduction: Tatev kicks off her review of some of the best studies ever with this short but tricky puzzle by Alois Wotawa. Find out her best tips for solving tricky chess studies.

Too Many D-Pawns:  Figure out White's unique path to survival in this amazing study by Wotawa. This one was first published with an error which shows that even great authors and puzzle solvers don't get everything right! opening.

Stopping The Pawns: Tatev brings you another astounding study. How can you make White's rook and one pawn more valuable than Black's army of passed pawns?

How To Promote: Your pawn is nearly ready to promote, but Black's rooks are about to skewer on the g-file. What can you do? Try to find the amazing solution!

Checkmate Or Stalemate: Tatev the most difficult study yet! White's king looks like it's about to get checkmated but there's a cunning defense. Watch as she demonstrates the key amazing ideas.

What are some of your favorite chess studies? Let us know in the comments!

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