The KID Bayonet Attack by GM Arun & GM Magesh Part 1
This week we will study The King's Indian Defense (KID) Bayonet Attack. This sharp and dynamic opening was regularly employed by some of the World Champions like Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, Mikhail Tal and Tigran Petrosian. They introduced exceptional ideas from time to time and believed in its resourcefulness.
Bayonet as an Anti-King's Indian Defence
KID has continued to be one of the popular choices against the queen pawn opening. Many systems like the Classical System, Bayonet Attack, Samisch, Petrosian System, and Avebakh System are the main weapons that put the KID to the test.
Of all the systems, The Bayonet has been the most direct and principled approach to taming the KID. Elite Players like Kramnik, Anand, Bareev, and Van Wely have used this system time and again as their main weapon to counter the KID.
With the popularity of the Bayonet attack growing day by day, white was able to outplay black comfortably at the highest level and the very survival of the King's Indian was under threat. But thanks to the efforts of Teimour Radjabov the Azeri Grandmaster, the system itself was reborn and took new dimensions for the future developments.
Van Wely vs Radjabov
To study the recent developments of the KID Bayonet Attack we have decided to study some recent encounters between Van Wely and Radjabov. Both the players being well prepared and confident in their systems have contributed a lot for this opening, and studying these encounters will give a deeper understanding of the opening.