The Legend of Lone Pine
Grandmaster Chess: The book of the Louis B. Statham Lone Pine Masters-plus Tournament 1975
By GM Isaac Kashdan and the Staff of California Chess Reporter (Jude Acers, Robert Burger, Dennis Fritzinger, Guthrie McClain)
Ishi Press 2009 (ISBN:978-0-923891-05-3. $25.95
316 pages, photos, softcover. Descriptive notation.
Ishi Press has added a valuable book to their series of scanned reprints. The book of the 1975 Lone Pine Masters is a gem. One of the most famous events in American chess is presented with insights from the players, often giving a window into the opening theory of the time. Of course the light notes have not been computer-checked and opening research is shallow, but that was life in the 1970s.
Sam Sloan has provided a useful introduction, though unfortunately no modern indexing. If you want to find a particular game, be prepared to hunt! There are interesting analytical articles that add to the pleasure and usefulness of the book.
The major drawback is that the annotated games are in descriptive language, unfamiliar to most chessplayers. The games are given in bare form in PGN at the end of the book. It would have been better to omit those pages and lower the cost. Cumbersome PGN headers should have been edited out. It is not as though readers will scan in the games, as they can be downloaded. Instead, the publisher should have put them on a webpage or given a link to a public source. With the game onscreen, the descriptive notation would not be such a problem.
The scan does a good job on text, but diagrams suffer. Still, it is readable. Highly recommended to lovers of exciting chess.
Below I present one of the best games of the event.