The Misunderstood Knight Fork (Part 3) – Various

The Misunderstood Knight Fork (Part 3) – Various

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| 12 | Tactics

One might think that going after material (Part One) or using the fork as an attacking device (Part Two) would be the main themes regarding Knight forks. And that’s true. But there are other uses for this tactical weapon that you might not be aware of. We’ll tie up our Knight fork studies with a few extra ways to make that fork-crazy Knight earn its keep.



The Threat Of A Fork Protects Pawns & Pieces

Sometimes A Fork Or Even Multiple Forks Are Just A Natural Part Of The Game
Black’s a pawn ahead, so one would think that he’s in charge. However the position is very complicated, and Capablanca (in a cascade of Knight forks) somehow turns despair and madness into crystal clarity.
A Fork As A Defensive Ploy
A Fork Can Lead To Positional Compensation
Sacrificing Material By Allowing A Fork
White just forked black's King and Rook, which will leave him up a minor piece for a pawn. However, Black welcomed this since White's efforts to win material gave Black the time to roll over White on the kingside.
Sometimes You Fear The Fork, Other Times You Court It
Black threatens to chop on g5. White could defend the pawn by h4, but he decided to play in a more active fashion. He didn't realize that Black would end up trumping him in the active category!
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