
The power of a pawn avalanche

Avatar of Heinrich_24
| 12 | Strategy

Please look at following position:



Black has given a knight for 3 pawns . This looks good if black can manage to bring the both ones on fifth row forward.

But there is a danger. White is threating Nc4+ Nxb6 + Rxf2. If he would succeed with that plan his worries would have become smaller.


So black went for a resolute solution of that problem:




The power ofa pawn avalanche you can also see in the following game:

 4 pawns for a rook




Later they reached following endgame. Enjoy the fight!

a) The pawn avalanche comes up -

b) 3 pawns against the rook -

c) White defends well-

d) Under pressure white fails and the pawn avalanche triumphs:



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