The Putrid Cabbage Attack

The Putrid Cabbage Attack

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| 22 | Opening Theory

I used to think that Grob attack was the worst possible chess opening. However, there is only so much damage you can do to your position with one little move. I'm now inclined to think that the cabbage attack is the worst possible chess opening outside of Foolsmate. This ridiculous opening creates a pile of weaknesses in White's position.







I was very much surprised to see a thematic tournament at involving this disgusting mess. it is kind of like a handicap tournament. White completely ruins his position before the start of the game. So why did I agree to participate?


Well, I didn't think I could turn down the opportunity because the entire opening was my own stupid idea. When writing the latest edition of my book on unorthodox chess openings I decided to make up an opening just by spelling out the word. So, the cats attack was born by moving the c-pawn, a-pawn, tb-pawn, a Bishop move, moving the a-pawn again,  then the g-pawn and finally the e-pawn. It was not an opening to be taken seriously.

However, I did wonder whether even my skills would be sufficient to compensate for such a wretched start to the game. As it turned out, I won all of my games. It was a bit difficult to work my way out from that terrible opening, but I managed.

Here are two games from the final stage of the event, one with white and one with black. Winning with black was quite easy. Winning with White took a lot of work.


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