The story of two rooks and one knight, -told in five pictures!
Rooks need open and half-open files. This is a well known "truth"!
Here is a
1. occupy a open line with one rook and control it
2. double rooks in that line
3. get with one rook at second or seventh rank
4. Get them both on the second or seventh row
5. Let them work with the help of other pieces
Let`s look at the the knight! Where is the ideal position for it? Yes, it is in the center without the possibility to be chased away!As an outpost!
In one of my OTB chess games I got such an ideal knight position and rooks working in an ideal way. I will show this game in five pictures ( diagrams), because pictures can often tell us more than moves
( The whole game is uncommented at the end .-I will post it commented next days in my blog)
1. picture: After the opening black has adventage in piece development
Here we can see clearly black`s adventage in piece development. All my pieces are developed and active. Rooks are on a open and a half-open file and the knight is fixed in center.-
White has problems with piece development. Ra1 and Bc1 cannot move and Nd5 will removed from his position by Rc4
2. picture : rooks are coming along the line
3. picture : rooks change to the second row
4. Picture: Knight and pawns helping the rooks
5. picture: the endposition:
So you have seen the 5-step-program and the knight at work. Here the whole game!