The Two Best Coaching Groups @

The Two Best Coaching Groups @

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NM aww-rats free video lessons group

Dan Heisman Learning Center

If you join and take advantage of what we offer, your chess will improve!

It's really no contest if you look at what we offer. No other coaching group compares on all fronts:

1) Group activity: Online Team Matches, Vote Chess, Member support, games among members, study partners.

2) Useful help from myself, and NM Dan Heisman.

3) Plenty of valuable content free of charge. (If you wish private lessons, we do have to charge).

4) Both Dan and I are full-time professional chess coaches. In just over the last two years here, I have sold more services than any other coach. I made it to #4 among titled players my first 11 months active, then stopped tracking. With over 30 recurring students, I am confident of my claim. My students improve!


My video lesson group has hundreds of videos all free online at YouTube. Sorted by playlist, My free video lessons course teaches you how to maximize your time by showing you how to best spend it while studying chess. I have plenty of member game analysis where you will learn how a chess master thinks!

We offer constant online team matches. I usually allow us to be outmatched so our team may learn from playing stronger opposition. Old fashioned chess-by-mail for a year 1980-81 allowed me to jump from 2000 to 2200 in just 3 months. My return to correspondence chess in 1986 resulted in two qualifications into the World Correspondence Chess Championship cycle. Correspondence chess is a perfect way to learn openings, analyze, and improve your endgame technique as you learn while you're playing.

I have a steady supply of titled players in my group who give periodic free simuls. Just watch for their announcements!

I have a great coaching staff onhand if you're looking to hire a coach. I have both titled and amateur coaches ready to help you improve!

If you have questions of me, our forums have topics you may ask questions! I will respond!

Our members work together to help you with your play. Submit a game in the appropriate forum topic, help other members and watch and see how they in turn help you!

We have over 8,400 members in just 27 months of existence.

I have a sub group, the World Standard time control 365 days per year where you may easily find a long game at a moment's notice!

About the Dan Heisman Learning Center (DHLC):

Over 5,800 members in nearly 24 months.

Dan has been a professional chess coach for years. He  has written about a dozen books and has a bi-weekly TV show. If you have a question, chances are Dan has already answered it in one of his numerous articels. you may write, call or Skype Dan with your questions.

The DHLC also offers slow chess  tournaments! You simply sign up, await your pairing, and negotiate with your opponent when to play.

The DHLC features a monthly member newsletter.

Once you join the DHLC, you will receive a welcome message from the group admin on how to get started.

Ok, how to join these groups automatically, just click the links and you're in!:

NM aww-rats free video lessons group:

World Standard Time Control 365 days per year:

Dan Heisman Learning Center:

Also, for more slow games I recommend the Slow Live chess Association:

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