The World Standard Time Control Chess Club launches June 1!

The World Standard Time Control Chess Club launches June 1!

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I have written about this in my blogs with all the details and everyone is raving about it. And has it!

Essentially, 35 chess clubs in five different time zones across the world have been created where you may easily sign up for a long standard time control chess game.

Since announced last week, 270 people have joined the group and we haven't played a single game yet. Here is the link to join:

This is a dream I have had for two years and I'm proud to say that it is now a reality. Allow me to cover how simple and easy it is to understand and participate.

1)       The five major time zones covered are: Western and Eastern United States, London England, India, and Eastern Australia. These were selected to reach large population bases and span the globe.

2)      Start times in each zone Monday through Friday are at 1900 hours with a time control of 75 30.

3)      Start times in each zone Saturday and Sunday are at 1200 noon with a time control of 90 30.

4)      These time controls are highly comparable to those found in real life over-the-board chess tournaments.

5)      You pick the days and times you wish to play. All you have to do is register each week in our group forums.

6)      No more negotiations with your opponent to select a playing time which is likely not to be the ideal time you wish to play.

7)      You fit your life around chess not the other way around.

8)      Pairings are made 24 hours in advance. Late entries are accepted one half hour before the start time and anyone who reports their opponent is not here at start time will be assigned a new opponent. Forfeits are common when arranging times to play and are frustrating when you have set aside time to be here and your opponent didn't make it. This problem is forever eliminated.

9)      It is a known fact you improve your chess playing skills by playing long standard time control games. If you improve your play here at, you will increase your chances of winning cash prizes in real over-the-board chess tournaments. This group will allow you to simulate real tournament games from your home without the normal travel costs incurred.

10)   Of course this summer is ideal for students to get a lot of chess play in.

11)   Pairings are random colors and statistically these will balance out. No one should mind if they end up with a few extra Blacks here and there because face it; you need practice playing Black. If you are paired against the same player another time we simply ask you do the honorable thing and switch colors. If for some reason you end up with too many Blacks let us know we will investigate and assign you white in your next game.

12)   The rules are simple and easy to understand. If you live in one of the time zones we are utilizing just read our rules to see what time the other events begin. If another time zone works well for you simply locate that topic and join. If you do not live in one of the time zones we offer, it is easy for you to make conversions no matter where you live.

13)   This group makes it easy on both the organizers and the players. I've offered it to many people and online chess organizations in the last two years and no one wanted anything to do with it. Then again Decca Records auditioned the Beatles in January 1962 but turned them down in favor of Brian Poole and the Tremeloes.

14)   This group will be heavily promoted in the days, weeks, and months ahead of us. Dare we say the Chess Beatles have arrived? The players who participate in this group will decide!

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