There Is Such A Thing As Too Aggressive

There Is Such A Thing As Too Aggressive

| 6 | Strategy

While I'm all in favor of playing aggressively, I try to do by playing an aggressive opening as White.  And when I'm playing Black, I try to play aggressively after I have equalized and gotten a few pieces developed.  However, choosing an opening (as Black) that is known for it's somewhat drawish tendencies and then launching into a hyper-aggressive continuation starting with move 11, is over doing it a little bit.  It's like starting a bar fight with someone.  There are a lot of variables to consider.  How good is my first punch?  Is he bigger than me?  Is he standing next to a bowling trophy that he can use as a weapon?  How close am I to the door if this gets out of hand?  You can hardly be surprised if it backfires on you.

Black could have headed for the exit with 14...Qe8, which would have calmed everything down, but instead, he dove into the pile and came out with a little more than a black eye.  The moral of the story is to know what you are getting into before turning an even position into a fist fight.  Or better yet, stay out of bars and stick to chess clubs.  
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