
Sir George Thomas Avoids the Menchik Club - This Time

| 3 | Amazing Games

In 1929, Vera Menchik, the strongest woman chess player in the world at the time, was invited to the Carlsbad International tourament.  Albert Becker, a Viennese master, did not want her to play in the event, saying she was too weak of a player.  He proposed that any master who loses to her should be granted membership in the Vera Menchik Club.  Guess what?  Menchik defeated Becker in this tournament, and he became the first member.  Sir George Thomas, former British Champion,  was also playing in this event and avoided a loss - this time.  He was eventually a member of the Menchik club when he lost to her in another event.  Here is a game that Thomas won in the Carlsbad tournament.  Menchik overlooked the possibility of a back rank mate, and Thomas sacrificed his Queen to threaten mate.


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