
Belize ches olimpiad 2009

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| 4 | For Beginners

in my previous article I said that you should not underestimate your opponent no matter their age, size, sex etc. On the 25 of April 2009 I went to my countries second chess tournament which involved players from all around the country. Since chess has just started in Belize most players  are not at a high level. During the first and second rounds when I had finished my games which I won I went to the practice area where I won a bunch of kids from near by districts especially the Cayo district. Now on the 3 round of the tournament I played a young man named Clifford Colman who was from Cayo so I expected he was sort of a beginner considering all his teammates were beginners but I was wrong and that cost me the game. Even Though I lost to Clifford Colman I still came in first in my category because after the final round we had to do an elimination round to determine 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th place in the tournament.

Here is a small video of the tournament in 2008



If you would like to know more about the tournament click this link


Thank you and please no discurriging comments.

Alfred Awe, Belize

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