What To Do If He Won't Castle

What To Do If He Won't Castle

| 21 | Strategy

Sometimes you start a game and wait for your opponent to castle so you know on which side to begin mounting your attack.  But what if he won't castle?  What if he stays in the center and the center is closed?  What do you do then?  Sometimes a well-timed sacrifice can open the "closed" center.

In the next game, the Black king stays in the center not by choice, but because he was forced to move by a knight check.  Nevertheless, he was protected behind a closed center which needed to be opened.  Here, a knight sacrifice opens the floodgates to the king.

So you don't have to give your opponent a pass if he stays in the center.  It just requires a little creativity and a little boldness to figure out how to blast your way through the solid-looking cover.  Once you do that, the rest is easy. 

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