The Film and TV Buffs vs Pinoy Chess Global

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This week has seen the 70th anniversary of the passing of Al Jolson. Through much of the 20th century, he was regarded as the world's greatest entertainer. Born in Srednike, now Seredzius in Lithuania, his family followed the father in emigrating to America, where they settled in Washington DC. Unfortunately the mother died when he was young, and he spent time at a home in Baltimore. He found a talent in show business and initially with a brother he performed in vaudeville - but the talent grew and grew and Al became a phenomenon, at first becoming a star locally in San Francisco, but eventually he found his way to Broadway, where he became the King of The Winter Garden (and a street nearby has since been named after him). Of course he also became a global sensation as the star of The Jazz Singer in 1927 which synchronised sound with action on film, initially just the music and a little dialogue but it was followed later the same year by The Singing Fool, which was completely synchronised. He was a massive star, described as having an electric personality - one stage performance had 37 curtain calls and one was interrupted for 45 minutes by the screaming, adoring audience. His catchphrase at each applause was "You ain't heard nothing yet !" Sometimes criticised for his use of blackface, this was his way of bringing black culture and music, such as jazz, rhythm and blues to the fore and he brought troupes of black performers to Broadway for the first time and fought for black equality and representation. He once caused to be found a black couple who were refused service at a restaurant and took them for a meal there, threatening to "punch on the nose" anyone who objected. In his later years, he was too old to serve in the military so was a founder of USO and performed throughout WW2 in Europe and Africa with a punishing schedule, so much so that he contracted malaria and lost a lung. He still performed and when the government suggested that they did not have funds for USO in the Korean War, he paid for it himself and went to perform in foxholes and every theatre. When the US Army retreated across a bridge in the face of advancing Chinese armies, they called it the Jolson bridge as a lifesaver. He had a punishing schedule as he wanted none to miss him, and on return home he was exhausted and died after a heart attack at his home in San Francisco. He is acknowledged as an inspiration to many stars - Sammy Davis Junior, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger and David Bowie to name a few and was a bigger star than Crosby and Sinatra at their peak. Thousands attended his funeral, a high proportion of them black. We believe a match should be held in his honour and hope you will accept. If the number or ratings do not suit, then please make contact to adjust
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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Pinoy Chess Global
Pinoy Chess Global
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