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On the start date it will be the 55th birthday of Ben Stiller. Born and raised on the Upper West Side of New York City on 84th Street, and growing up in a show business environment with both parents successful comedians, his path seemed destined, but he has achieved success over time through his own hard work. Winning an Emmy in 1993 for his own The Ben Stiller Show, he achieved wider fame eventually in There's Something About Mary 1998 and since then has consistently built friendships through the renowned Frat Pack and fans, with Meet the Parents 2000 and its sequels as Greg Focker, Zoolander 2001, Old School 2003 and the Night at the Museum films from 2006 and Tropic Thunder 2008. Now lives in Hollywood and New York. We believe a match should be held in his honour and hope you will accept. If the number or our ratings do not suit, then please make contact to adjust.
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The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
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Pinoy Chess Global
Pinoy Chess Global
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