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Recently it was the 80th birthday of Florinda Bolkan, who became a legend of arthouse and grindhouse Italian cinema where she won awards including three Donatellos within 57 screen credits. Born in Uruburetama, Ceara, Brazil she later lived in Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro. After working to support her mother & siblings after her father‘s death including as a flight inspector for Varig, Brazil’s national airline, she eventually travelled to Rome where she was discovered by Luchino Visconti. She became known to western audiences for Candy 1968 and Visconti’s The Damned 1969, then appeared opposite Omar Sharif in The Last Valley 1971 and opposite Oliver Reed in Royal Flash 1975 then in the mini-series The Word in 1978. In the late 1970s she lived in New York City (with Helmut Berger), but still crossed continents to make films, including Some Girls 1988 with Jennifer Connelly, Millions 1991 with Billy Zane, but from then mainly filmed in Italy. She has had an interesting life, retiring from acting in 2006 as she owned and operated the Villa Voltarina in Bracciano, Lazio; she also worked as a real estate agent, published a gourmet cookbook and completes charitable works for Brazilian and Italian children. Allegedly she was a mistress of President John F Kennedy, but she was the life partner of Countess Marina Cicogna. We believe her worthy of a match in her honour and hope you will accept – if the number or ratings do not suit, then please make contact.
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