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Some while ago we missed the 100th anniversary of the birth of Jack Lord, who died in 1998. He was the first Felix Leiter of the CIA in the very first Bond film Dr No in 1962, and may well have carried the character on through the following films, but for Goldfinger, combined with an increased salary request the producers felt his presence and portrayal was so strong that Leiter may have competed with and overshadowed Bond. Maybe this was fortunate as Lord will amongst his 76 screen credits be long remembered as the original Steve McGarrett in the original Hawaii Five-0 1968-80 and was the lead through all 281 episodes. He was later joint producer and in later series the sole producer and directed many episodes. His affinity with Hawaii meant he lived for decades there and died at home in Kahala, Honolulu – his $40 million estate was left to the Hawaii Community Foundation. Born in Brooklyn, New York City he graduated from John Adams High School, Ozone Park, Queens and growing up lived in South Richmond Hill, Morris Park, Queens, also spending time on the family fruit farm in the Hudson River Valley. Had a talent for painting from early years – two of his paintings were acquired by museums before he was twenty. On a football scholarship attended NYU and gained a degree in Fine Arts, also graduated as Ensign from the Trumbull Naval Academy in New London, Connecticut. He joined the Merchant Marine and served n the Merchant Navy throughout WW2, although in the first year he built bridges in Persia with the Corps of Engineers. This enabled him to paint many of the exotic locations visited, and he is described as an accomplished artist. He became involved with training films during the Korean War and so took to acting and went to the Actors Studio at the same time as Brando, Newman & Monroe, working as a New York car salesman to pay his way; became known through appearances in numerous TV series as television grew. We believe he is more than worthy of a match in his honour and hope you accept – if the number or ratings do not suit, then please make contact.
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On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
On Her Majesty's Secret Service - HMSS
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Pinoy Chess Global
Pinoy Chess Global
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