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Hi! I'm Alyssa, I am a youtuber! I Just got into chess Two years ago, I get a bit competitive when playing if you say stuff like "oH i CaN bEaT yOu!" but normally those pesky people lose against me: ) but I am a little bit competitive both ways just if you don't say that you can beat me, I am competitive in a more nicer and polite waydraw . I am also into art, I am really good at it just like I am in chess! Lastly if you ask in tournaments "How do you play so good?" normally people just say "Idk." and they run to their mom or dad, but I just respond "Being positive!" and thats just some advice for you guys : ), always be positive! And with that I just wish you guys a great chess journey and lifegold. EDIT: nothing much but just be amazinghappy.png oh and also if you want to be my friend I would be more than happy to be yours! I mean chess friends in my opinion is way more important to me than just friends.