Dijamantski član

Dear, anonymous 

A few things you should know about me is that I'm a chess fanatic I love to study all positions. One of my most favorite positions to play is the Pirc Defense Austrian Attack Bg7, Nf3, Bg4, Be3, O-O... etc. One of my favorite bands currently right now is Tame Impala but I have always had an interest in Alternative rock like Rage against the Machine?! 

I'm currently attending Elgin Community College and am trying to start a chess club once the pandemic is deemed safe. I plan to travel to California for my career as a pharmacist. Not a Technician but an actual Pharmacist! Regardless I wish to continue my education for the rest of my life and pursue new degrees. I want my Doctrine and Masters, but I'll have to start with my Associate of Science first. School is my life, and wouldn't trade it for anything! 
