NadezdaPentala moderator
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Hey guys!

My name is Nadezda, and I am a chess coach & arbiter, chess enthusiast and chess lover! I am from Belgrade/Serbia, but I currently live in Prague. I am a Woman FIDE Master (WFM), FIDE Arbiter (FA), FIDE Instructor (FI), and School Instructor (SI). I am also working as a Fair Play Proctor here at

My favourite chess players are Harikrishna Pentala, who happens to be my husband happy.png, Alexander Grischuk and Pia Cramling. 

Chess is my passion, and I have dedicated my whole life to chess. I try to transfer that passion to my students, as I believe it can improve their lives and give them confidence in problem-solving, time management, creating and completing goals, critical thinking, and more!

I have been working with children in kindergartens, primary schools and online. I specialized in working with children and beginners, up to 1600 FIDE. 

If you are interested in working with me, contact me at I will be happy to hear from you!

See you around! happy.png