
God's not finnished yet.


For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. Hebrews 13:14

But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works.  Ps. 73:28 

Receive one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God. Rom 15:7

As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I wash clean, fill with spiritual gifts, hedge, protect and call my children you, and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. Isa 66:13


and here some music and YouTube fun which I like. Enjoy

Seasons in the Son.



a little yodelling from Switzerland

 I want to be a disciple, a disciple only for you. Because you, Lord Jesus Christ are the only true saviour. Yes thats why I want to be a disciple, as a disciple yodeling for exclusively you. Because only You Lord Jesus Christ are the only true saviour. ayololo yohloloh.......Yes thats why I want to be a disciple a disciple only for you Lord Jesus Christ because only you Lord Jesus Christ are the only true saviour. Because you Lord Jesus Christ are the only saviour.


My help comes from the Lord. Lionel Petersen


old hymn telling salvation story written by William Cowper who lived in depression all of his life. William tried to committ suicide many times. Friend of John Newton. They wrote many songs.





Strassemussig vo Züri

(Marcel Bürgi who living in a bunker for 2 years wanted to committ suicide, experiences that God loves him. And now he sings .) "from sh.. hole to heaven" written by Jacob Wampfler.

another old hymn (pls turn up the volume)






Thank You for this good morning,


Von guten Mächten wunderbar geborgen written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer during WWII while inprisoned. He was eventually executed.


Evolutionists are shutting-up, scientists speaking-up, liars giving-up, manipulation drying-up. 



Is the church saturated with this ideology