
I was first introduced to chess at 8 when my father bought me a plastic set with instructions on how the pieces moved. I loved the game from the start and played as much as I could into my 20’s. I had some success competitively, but ultimately stopped playing for many years as a career and a family occupied all my time. About 18 months ago my son was setting up my new iPad, and knowing of my interest in chess, downloaded the application. I can’t believe how much I missed the game and how much enjoyment I have found playing again.

I can’t think quickly like I did when I was young, and I certainly can’t concentrate intensely for long periods any longer. However, I have found that I can still think, and if not rushed, probably see the board more clearly than I used to remember being able to do. Playing online has allowed me to learn more efficiently, enjoy team play, find opponents when I want them, and meet people from around the world. Each loss today is not as crushing as it used to be and each win is not as heroic as I once believed, and that is the way it should be.