
Name Change?

Name Change?

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Lets be honest, 'Alleyn's Decent Chess Players' isnt exactly very catchy is it... Anyone up for changing the name, and if so any ideas?

Ruy Lopez Traps

Ruy Lopez Traps

| 2,295
| 5

These are just a couple of nice traps to gain an early advantage playing as Black against Ruy Lopez. The first one I found and the second one I came up with in a match of mine and won me the game pretty early on so I just thought I'd share them wi...

Progressive world

Progressive world

| 783
| 0

The new match against progressive world has started. Good luck, but most people have a rating difference of over 100 in their favour so it shouldn't be a struggle. 

New match

New match

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I have created an open seek team match, unlike maksims failed attempts this has a rating limit and as a result we should be up against a more fair oponent.

A new match that will hopefully be successful!

A new match that will hopefully be successful!

| 642
| 0

Ok boys, I've cancelled our challenges to the other two groups because they were taking a long time to accept. I've now challenged a third group called 'Progressive World' that appear to be well matched to us. If they take a long time to accept t...

a match?!

a match?!

| 1,097
| 3

Gentlemen, I have issued a challenge for a 6 board match against a team called "The Kohai Fanclub" They appear to be fairly well matched with us, so lets give them a thrashing if they accept!