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The ship is rocked by a series of explosive decompressions as its members collapse, throwing officers, and crew around inside, while Vipers and Landrams are tossed from the flight pod. After the ship settles, its sublight engines re-engage, as the ship drifts over a dull, greyish moon, orbiting a habitable planet ahead. Twelve hours after the battle, the civilian fleet, along with its basestar escort, rejoins Galactica in orbit of the planet. The Colonials, along with the surviving Twos, Sixes, and Eights, will eventually move to settle the planet, while the baseship is given to the freed "Red Stripe" Centurions. This marks the end of the Colonial's four year exodus from the Colonies after the Cylons attacked, and a permanent end to Colonial/Cylon hostilities.
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Remembrance Of Things Yet To Be
Remembrance Of Things Yet To Be
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Chess Paradise
Chess Paradise
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