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On the start date it will be the 60th birthday of Hugh Grant, who has become a national treasure. He achieved fame with Four Weddings and a Funeral in 1994, winning Golden Globe and BAFTA awards, but has been the star of many romcom and romdram roles of great popularity, including Notting Hill in 1999 and Love Actually 2003, as well as the first two Bridget Jones films, 01 and 04. In recent times his broader acting skill has been recognised with his performances in Paddington 2 in 2017 and A Very English Scandal in 2018. Born and raised in Hammersmith, London he gained a scholarship to Oxford University - New College - where he achieved a degree in English. Once he had drifted towards acting, he lived in Nottingham for a year on the Park Estate to gain his Equity card by performing at the Nottingham Playhouse. However has lived in London for most of his life, is an impassioned supporter of Fulham FC and now lives in Chelsea. Is a strong supporter of all sport, particularly golf, tennis and cricket as well as being nationally renowned as a passionate challenger of Press power and defender of privacy. We believe a match should be held in his honour and hope you will accept
Club Stats
The Film and TV Buffs
The Film and TV Buffs
  • In Progress:
  • Total Points:
  • Matches Won:
  • Average Rating:
  • Today’s Rank:
Team  Nottinghamshire
Team Nottinghamshire
  • In Progress:
  • Total Points:
  • Matches Won:
  • Average Rating:
  • Today’s Rank: